So lets talk about mille lacs – I headed to mille lacs with long time friend Andrew – he and I have had the pleasure of spending much fishing time together and in more recent years our kids are pretty good chums so that brings us together more often than chasing scales. We have talked for a while about how it would be fun to chase some smallies on mille lacs – well we couldn’t have picked a worse weekend to go but we go when we can go – so we went. The big enemy on m.l. is always wind well with a front just moving through the area we were truly post frontal which meant bright blue skies and tons of wind –
Well on Monday morning we set our before the wind was too bad and we started on one of the many rock reefs – in hopes for some of the tanks smallies – I was throwing a dt-10 parrot and was getting hung every so often in the rocks but was always able to pop it out. At one point thinking I got another snag I went to bowstring it out and I felt it move and the fight was on – she came blasting out of the water and at that point I felt the need to name her because I figured she wouldn’t be on long with 14lb line and no leader – so from now on we called her Maggie – I fought her for quite some time and then with the help of Andrew we were able to boat her. I didn’t get a girth measurement but she was quite out of proportioned with her girth – she was quite meaty.
Well that was the first hour of the day and the rest of the day was a grind with the wind and we left m.l. about 4 for another lake – we only managed one fish pushing the 3lb mark. Even though we didn’t catch many smallies it was quite a memorable trip and I will be back for revenge on a more windless mille lacs this time.
On a side note Maggie was 49 inches long and somewhere around 20-25 inches in girth and that puts her right around the 30lb mark.
the little smallie of 3lbs - probalby an evening snack for maggie
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